Risk of drug addiction is basically not the same for everyone. Advances in Genealogy have reached at a stage, where we can predict a probability of whether a person can have specific disease or not. Since we treat, Drug Addiction as a disease. One may think that on similar lines, that we will able to predict whether a person can become drug addict or not. At least we can safely attach a probability to the answer. But as of today, it is not an easy prediction to be put forth.
Factors affecting probability of Drug Addiction
There are multiple factors, which govern a human mind and as a result its decision making process. Drug Addiction depends on complex machinery formed by the dual of mind and body. As we know, human body and mind matters, both are influenced by environmental factors in addition to their own structure and strength.
To predict whether a person can become Drug Addict, ultimately depends upon all these factors. Each factor adds its own weightage to the risk probability of addiction. With a combination of all such weightage, we will arrive at a probability figure, which indicate the risk of drug addiction.
Risk Factors
However there are certain risk factors which may influence the path towards drug addiction. The more risk factors a person has, the probability for consumption to drug addiction, increases. Generally the factors which influence, risk of drug addiction are as follows :
Biology : The genes that one is born with, has maximum influence on the risk that (s)he will become drug-addict.
Environment : A person’s environment includes many different influences, from family and friends to economic status and general quality of life, moral and academic education (s)he has gone through, community and customs etc.
Development :As explained in the above point, genetic and environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person’s life, to affect risk of drug addiction.