Negative effects of Tobacco are not visible immediately. Tobacco is like a slow poison. Excessive consumption of Tobacco in any form has tremendous adverse effects of human health.
Diseases which result from Tobacco
Tobacco is one of the major culprits for Cancer, as it has almost seventy chemicals which can cause Cancer. Nearly 50% of people who consume Tobacco on regular basis, die due to health complications resulted from Tobacco consumption. Diseases which result from Tobacco use are generally related to mouth, lungs, heart and lever. Contribution to Cancer of Kidney, Bladder and Pancreas has also been noticed. Average life expectancy in tobacco consumer is also lesser, compared to others who do not consume tobacco.
The addictive nature of Tobacco is mainly due to Nicotine. Nicotine creates dependency on both the fronts, physical and psychological. Tobacco smoke contains certain molecules. This molecules cause mutations as they attach to human DNA. Ultimately over long period, this results in Cancer. These mutations may be carried forward in next generation as well.
Tobacco consumption
Tobacco exposure or consumption can be of various natures. Though smoking is the most preferred way, Chewing tobacco in various forms also contributes substantially.
Smoking has different categories and ways, Cigarettes or Cigars is being the prime. There are also local versions of the same in the form of Bidi, Hookahs etc . Non-smoking persons also consume tobacco due to smoking habits of another person. This is called as Passive smoking. It has similar adverse effects, though the intensity might be little lesser. Inhaling smoke starts its adverse effects on tooth, mouth, throat, lungs and most of the internal organs in stomach.
Many people preferred Direct chewing of Tobacco for long time. This is either in raw form or through betel leaves (Paan). Now-a-days flavored powders or a mixture of flavored items, generally terms as Gutka has taken place of Paan.
One should always remember that when negative effects of tobacco are visible, it is always too late.