Many of the quarters associate addiction with drug and alcohol consumption. However, this limits the extent of addictions within society. Having a better understanding of the term addiction will pave way for a more productive way of treating addictions.
Addiction is best referred to as the compulsive usage of any substance, behavior, feeling, or person with disregard for the negative physical, psychological and social consequences.
Causes of Addictions
There are several theories that propose the causes of addictions and some include the genetic predisposition; humans are born with a particular genetic predisposition to getting addicted. Other causes of addiction are mental illness and biochemicals. It has been discovered that many people are taking prescription drugs against the doctor’s knowledge to help them sleep as opposed to treating disease.
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Regardless of the cause espoused, many experts consider addictions as a disease that can be inherited. They suggest that people inherit a tendency to addictions, even when they do not become addicted to a particular substance. There are other researchers who suggest that addictions are not diseases but rather responses to pain.
Risks Factors
People of any sex, economic status, or age can become addicted. However, certain factors affect the chances of developing an addiction including a family history of addictions, being male, having other psychological problems, peer pressure, lack of parental involvement, taking highly addictive drugs, and anxiety, depression & loneliness.
Addictions are common in certain families. Therefore, if a person has a blood relative, like a sibling or parent with drug or alcohol problems they stand a higher chance of becoming a drug or alcohol addict.
Furthermore, being a man makes you twice as likely to experience drug problems. In case you have been diagnosed with another psychological problem like post-traumatic stress disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or depression, you are likely to become an addict.
Peer pressure plays a fundamental role in making people addicts. This is particularly the case among young people. Many young people are into drugs and taking alcohol as a result of being introduced by peers. The lack of parental attachment increases the chances of addiction. This often arises because there is no parental supervision.
Furthermore, taking highly addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroin has the ability to cause addiction faster. Anxiety, depression, as well as loneliness, often cause some people to become addicted. Many get addicted to porn, drugs, and alcohol as they seek to get rid of painful psychological feelings.
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