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Causes and Risk Factors of Addictions

Causes and Risk Factors of Addictions

Many of the quarters associate addiction with drug and alcohol consumption. However, this limits the extent of addictions within society. Having a better understanding of the term addiction will pave way for a more productive way of treating addictions.

Addiction is best referred to as the compulsive usage of any substance, behavior, feeling, or person with disregard for the negative physical, psychological and social consequences.

Causes of Addictions

There are several theories that propose the causes of addictions and some include the genetic predisposition; humans are born with a particular genetic predisposition to getting addicted. Other causes of addiction are mental illness and biochemicals. It has been discovered that many people are taking prescription drugs against the doctor’s knowledge to help them sleep as opposed to treating disease.

According to the weight loss pills reviews people are advised to take diet pills according to the doctor’s prescription. As opposed to deciding to buy weight loss pills without a doctor’s prescription.

Regardless of the cause espoused, many experts consider addictions as a disease that can be inherited. They suggest that people inherit a tendency to addictions, even when they do not become addicted to a particular substance. There are other researchers who suggest that addictions are not diseases but rather responses to pain.

Risks Factors

People of any sex, economic status, or age can become addicted. However, certain factors affect the chances of developing an addiction including a family history of addictions, being male, having other psychological problems, peer pressure, lack of parental involvement, taking highly addictive drugs, and anxiety, depression & loneliness.

Addictions are common in certain families. Therefore, if a person has a blood relative, like a sibling or parent with drug or alcohol problems they stand a higher chance of becoming a drug or alcohol addict.

Furthermore, being a man makes you twice as likely to experience drug problems. In case you have been diagnosed with another psychological problem like post-traumatic stress disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or depression, you are likely to become an addict.

Peer pressure plays a fundamental role in making people addicts. This is particularly the case among young people. Many young people are into drugs and taking alcohol as a result of being introduced by peers. The lack of parental attachment increases the chances of addiction. This often arises because there is no parental supervision.

Furthermore, taking highly addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroin has the ability to cause addiction faster. Anxiety, depression, as well as loneliness, often cause some people to become addicted. Many get addicted to porn, drugs, and alcohol as they seek to get rid of painful psychological feelings.

If you want to read more about addiction in Hindi, do read our blog on To purchase Nashaband (Nasha Band), a 100% ayurvedic solution to quit an addiction, please visit this page.

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How To Get Rid Of Alcohol

get rid of alcohol

When someone becomes physically or mentally dependent on a particular thing, then that condition is called addiction. The victims of alcoholism remain restless until they get alcohol. Such people remain abnormal before consuming the drug and find themselves in a normal state after getting it. This condition makes such people completely ill. Alcohol addiction is an incurable disease. It enters the body under many pretexts and slowly takes over life. When it exceeds the limit, the drunkard starts sobbing to get salvation.

Alcoholism is a clever, powerful and elusive disease. The person who comes in its grip makes all kinds of excuses to get it. When an alcoholic is solicited for this, he does not refrain from lying, even swearing. He finds himself weak in the face of this addiction.

signs of addiction

If a person shows the following symptoms, then he may be addicted to alcohol. These symptoms vary from person to person.

  • Anxiety, restlessness, irritability, excessive eagerness.
    Anger, sudden change in mood.
  • Stress, mental exhaustion.
    Difficulty in making decisions.
  • Decreased memory.
  • Insomnia.
  • Severe headache.
    Excessive sweating, especially from the palms and soles of the feet.
  • Nausea and loss of appetite.
    Body trembling and blinking.
  • Cramps and twitching in the body.

Cause of Addiction

Genetic Trait
Experts believe that alcohol addiction is a genetic disease. A study shown that children whose parents are alcoholics are more likely to become addicted to alcohol than normal children. They have been found to have genes that make them attracted to alcohol and they become addicted to it. Such people also find it very difficult to give up alcohol.

Home Environment
Many a times, women and men take the help of alcohol after being troubled by the domestic situation. Gradually it becomes their habit. If an elder member of the household drinks alcohol, it also affects other members. Especially it has a great effect on children. Sometimes it also happens that if the husband is taking alcohol, then he insists on the wife too and later the wife also gets used to it.

Fellowship of Peers
Such people living in the company of alcoholic companions also get addicted to it, who do not consume it at all.

Special Occasion
Be it any event in the family, parties or a festival, the name of alcohol always comes forward. Sometimes people who talk about taking slowly come closer to alcohol.

Alcoholics of All Kinds
After drinking how much, understand that there is an addiction, how many are regular, how many are social, how much is not harmful to the body, the limit which is wrong to cross?

Alcoholic: There are 10 percent of the people in the world who suffer from a disease called alcoholism or alcoholism. Such chemicals develop in the body of such people, due to which after drinking alcohol once, they are forced to drink alcohol again and again. The name of this chemical is tetrahydroisoquinoline.

Others: 90 percent of the people who drink alcohol are those who either do social drinking or are regular drinkers. There are those in the regular drinker, who take 30-40 ml of alcohol daily at night and go to sleep after eating. Such alcoholics take alcohol on special occasions, sometimes even during the day. Some take it as a hobby.

Some of the social and regular drinkers become alcoholic and associate their life with alcohol.


Alcohol not only causes physical and mental diseases, but such people also get involved in crime.
Alcohol is a basis of mental illness. It can cause diseases of the nervous system, liver and stomach.
There is also a fear of heart disease due to this.
First of all, family problems increase due to alcoholism. They do all kinds of domestic violence.
Alcohol addiction is a disease worse than cancer. Cancer makes only one person sick, but alcohol addiction directly makes many people sick.

Ethyl alcohol is used in alcohol. It dissolves easily in human blood. This is the reason that along with taking alcohol, it starts affecting all the parts of the body. Long-term use can lead to liver cirrhosis. It is a difficult disease to get rid of. Ethyl alcohol also causes disturbances in digestion.


Alcohol causes inflammation of the liver, stomach and diseases related to the nervous system. In Ayurveda, medicine is given to overcome these diseases and along with it an alternative to alcohol is given in which the amount of alcohol is very less.

Aloe vera is beneficial for the liver, while Ashwagandha strengthens the nervous system and brain. Apart from this, Jatamansi is also given. Sarthak Churna, Brahmi Ghritam etc. reduce the poison of alcohol from the body. Apart from this, Shankhpushpi, Kutki, Arogya Vardhani etc. are given. Sura is consumed as a substitute for alcohol. Instead of alcohol, 30-40 ml of Mritsanjeevani sura is given. After that it is gradually reduced. Along with this, such patients are sent to counseling centre. Ayurveda experts recommend that these medicines should be used only with the advice of a doctor or Vaidya.

For more health related blogs please visit blogs on this website or this page on To purchase Nasha Band, please visit this page.

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Rev Party and Drugs

Rev Party and Drugs

Rev Party and Drugs connection is currently in limelight. But it started way back and not in India. In the 1950s, many people in London had different lifestyles. They were called bohemians. The word ‘Rev’ at that time was used for a bohemian party. It used to have a young congregation throbbing to the beat of the music. Sex and use of drugs was very common in these parties.

Due to advances in technology and DJs in the 1990s led to the boom in rev parties. Now-a-days rev parties are also held on a large scale in India. Generally they carry a heavy admission fees.

But why Drugs in these parties ?

Drugs are nothing but substances that cause a person to experience certain types of drowsiness, intoxication, stinging or dizziness. But there is more to it. Now-a-days there are drugs, specifically made for exploitation in terms of money, sex, mind control etc. In turn the person becomes addictive soon and then there are people who use them for all purposes. To name a few, Opium, Morphine, Heroin, Cocaine, Cannabis, Marijuana, Hashish, Brown sugar etc. Few of the drugs are injected directly into the blood, eat or smell it through their nose. This makes them intoxicated. For the intoxication of the spirit too

What process the body goes through after taking drugs

Once consumed, Drugs take direct or indirect control of one’s brain. It creates a sense of pleasure, excitement, happy mood, false feeling of being strong and so on. Ultimately, this helps one to forget stress and gets a feeling of being very satisfied, happy. As the reward circuit of the brain gets activated, one tend to consume drugs, to experience this feeling again and again. This without failure leads to Addiction.

Bollywood and Drugs

Rev party and Drugs has another angle. This is related to party culture in the film industry. It is a general impression that drugs are widely consumed at Bollywood parties. The reason which put forward for this is stress and depression. Many people say that depression is rampant in Bollywood. It is a stressful life because of hectic shooting schedule, tension of remaining successful with hit movies, tension about the money invested, career and so on. There might be some truth with this, in the whole world, crores of people, face these issues. But not all of these people choose the Drug way to get relief from stress.

Cure and Remedies

Depression, stress and similar issues can be cured with meditation, medicines, proper treatment. But instead of this, if somebody who is already famous, successful, has strong financial background, is choosing Drugs, then the obvious reasons are money, recklessness and search of an easy solution. In addition to these, there are also set traps, to which such celebrity fail.

Always trying to be happy, ignoring the things that cause stress, doing yoga, meditating, getting proper treatment from a psychiatrist are not that difficult ways. Staying away from party culture may not be possible, but one can always avoid being a party animal.

If you want to read more about addiction in Hindi, do read our blog on . To purchase Nashaband (Nasha Band), a 100% ayurvedic solution to quit addiction, please visit this page.

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Addiction in women

Addiction in women

Addiction seems to be on the rise among women. Why is this happening ? This article describes the reasons and the process.

Previously villains in dramas, movies, or in general male protagonists use to drink alcohol commonly. Now-a-days it is common to shown prominent male even female characters in movies, dramas and serials as a regular drinker. Sometimes even they are shown as addicted. As movies, dramas and serials have a great impact on the society, these things exalt addiction in the society.

Real life situation

In real life, addiction among women has increased and it has been accepted by the society. As the addiction came with glamor, it is becoming common in the society. Today we commonly observe younger females smoking cigarettes on the tea pot.

Looking at the last few years, it cannot be said that the rate of addiction is higher among women of a certain age. Irrespective of age and status, it has become common in married, unmarried, employed and non-employed women. Now-a-days, 13-14 year old girls seem to be addicted to cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, hashish, marijuana and drugs.

Two examples

This was not the picture a few years ago. The following two examples are almost a representative image of the things happening.

A highly educated woman in her forties. When she got married, her husband told her that she need not do a job. Initially she accepted it very easily. Eventually kids grew up, Husband got more and more involved with his business. Then loneliness enter with the age of her menopause. Husband has a in-house bar. Her addiction began.

Another female came to a city from a village. Husband was in a good position. He use to take her to a party and urges her to drink. She keep on refusing, but this denial did not suit the status quo. So he forced her to drink alcohol. The husband remained a social drinker. But she became addicted. Often women are introduced to alcohol by their husbands and then become addicted.

Path to addiction

Many-a-times it is observed that women have a tendency to become easily addicted. Their journey from alcoholism to addiction is quick. Why so ?

The liver contains an enzyme, which works as a detoxification. Many people are low in this enzyme, especially, on average women suffer for its deficiency. So the journey from acquaintance to addiction is fast in women.

Mental reasons

It doesn’t happened only for physical reasons. There are also psychological reasons too. In the past, women used to feel free to cry and talk when there is mental stress and depression. So they felt relieved. But today many prefer not to cry, as a representation of the mentality that we are strong. Not crying and not talking openly about tensions, difficulties is becoming common. The tendency to suppress overall stress has increased among women. Then at a moment the stress becomes unbearable, leading to the path of addiction.

In short, depression, loneliness, stress and hence addiction are increasing day by day among women.

Results of the treatment

If women accept the need of the treatment in case of addiction, results are known to be good. As per a study, percentage of the women who respond well to the treatment is high. It is 85% for woman in thirties while it is 70% among younger girls.

If you want to read more about addiction in hindi, do read our blog on . To purchase Nashaband (Nasha Band), a 100% ayurvedic solution to quit addiction, please visit this page.

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The habit of smoking

The habit of smoking

The habit of smoking has a very bad effect on your health. Quit this habit in time to live a healthy life. Learn about the health effects of smoking.

Ill Effects of Smoking

The habit of smoking has a very bad effect on your health. Quit this habit in time to live a healthy life. Learn about the health effects of smoking.

1. Inflammation of blood vessels:

Smoking causes inflammation of the inner walls of blood vessels. They start to thicken. If smoking is prolonged, the swelling increases day by day. This obstructs blood flow.

2. Blood clotting:

Smoking stimulates blood clotting. Blood clots cause DVT-like disorders in the impure blood vessels. Blood clots can also cause loss of limbs.

3. Increased Cholesterol Levels:

Blood contains good cholesterol (high density cholesterol) and bad cholesterol (low density cholesterol). Smoking lowers the level of good cholesterol and raises the level of bad cholesterol. This cholesterol starts to accumulate in the blood vessels. As a result, the blood vessels in the arms and legs, including the heart, constrict and blood flow is disrupted. This is when the pain in the limbs begins.

4. Hypertension:

Smoking causes high blood pressure. People who already have high blood pressure find it difficult to control it. People who have been addicted to smoking since adolescence start suffering from high blood pressure. Feeling tired after a little work. In addition, the blood supply to the feet is not regulated, which affects the feet.


Leg pain, burning sensation in the legs, abdominal pain after walking for a while, leg pain at night or even incontinence are common symptoms of the adverse effects of smoking on blood vessels. Sometimes there is a lump in the blood vessels and the feet get cold. It is called ‘acute limb ischemia’ in medical parlance. This is a medical emergency. If not treated within six hours, the leg may also have to be amputated.

To read more about addiction please visit our blogs on To purchase Nasha Band, a 100% safe Ayurvedic remedy to get rid of addictions, please visit this page.

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Addiction in figures

Addiction in Figures

Addiction in figures in India is a frightening statistics as per a recent survey. According to this survey, 14.6 per cent of the country’s i.e. 160 million people, are dealing with addiction of alcohol. These figures are from the age group of 10 to 75-year-olds. Surprisingly only one out of 38 addicts, gets treatment for de-addiction.

A recently conducted survey in 36 states and Union Territories across the country, had released a report sometime back. The report on ‘Addiction in India’, claims that these figures, carries weight due to visits to more than two lakh houses in 186 districts across the country. There were also discussions with 4 lakh 73 thousands people. Assuming that the claims are correct, the state-wise different statistics of addiction is absolutely frightening.

Alcoholism (10 to 75 years old)

  • 14.6 per cent or 16 crore people across the country
  • Almost 17 times more in men than in women

States with the highest alcohol addiction

Chhattisgarh, Tripura, Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa

The path to detoxification is difficult

  • Only 7.7% of addicts try to quit alcohol
  • De-addiction treatment available to one out of 38
  • One out of 180 was hospitalized and then treated

Undoubtedly, people who are suffering from drug addiction are in dire need of medical treatment. It is important to note, that many of them are far from getting any such help in any form.

Other addictions

  • Cannabis 2.2 crore, cannabis 1.3 crore
  • Major states : Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh, Delhi
  • Heroin, narcotics opium – 6 million
  • Major states : Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Maharashtra

Get rid of addiction in children

No wonder that children are more likely to be addicted to snuff. 4.6 lakh children across the country need treatment while the figure which may get a treatment is far less.

As mentioned earlier addiction in figures has shown a alarming face of a likely future. Obviously, It is in our hand to stay away from the very first touch of addiction to our life. To read more about addiction, please read our blogs on To purchase Nasha Banad – a 100% safe remedy to quit addiction, please visit this page.

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Smoking and tobacco

Smoking and Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco have become part of lifestyle of a high percentage of society. Many of them do it as a style statement. The craze for smoking or chewing tobacco in the form of Gutka or similar items is increasing among the youth. Many of them very well know that smoking and tobacco addiction, can cause various cancers. Despite that they cannot control their urge.

Other adverse effects of Tobacco

Other than cancer, there are many other direct and indirect adverse effects of Tobacco. Smoking also has a major effect on health care and blood vessel disorders. Scientific experiments have shown that more than four thousand harmful chemicals enter the body through smoking. Of these, nicotine and carbon monoxide are the most dangerous. Here are few adverse effects which is caused by regular consumption of tobacco.

Direct effects of Tobacco

1. Inflammation of blood vessels: Smoking causes inflammation of the inner walls of blood vessels. They start to thicken. If smoking is prolonged, the swelling increases day by day. This ultimately obstructs blood flow.

2. Blood clotting: Smoking stimulates blood clotting which can cause disorders such as DVT in impure blood vessels. Blood clots can also cause loss of limbs.

3. Increased Cholesterol Levels: Blood contains good cholesterol (high density cholesterol) and bad cholesterol (low density cholesterol). Smoking lowers the level of good cholesterol and raises the level of bad cholesterol. This cholesterol starts to accumulate in the blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels in the arms and legs, including the heart, to constrict and the blood flow to be disrupted. This is when the pain in the limbs begins.

4. Hypertension: Smoking causes high blood pressure. People who already have high blood pressure find it difficult to control it. People who have been addicted to smoking since adolescence start having high blood pressure. Feeling tired after a little work. In addition, the blood supply to the feet is not regulated, which affects the feet.


Leg pain, burning sensation in the legs, abdominal pain after walking for a while, leg pain at night, or incontinence are common symptoms caused by the effects of smoking on blood vessels. Sometimes there is a lump in the blood vessels and the feet may get cold. It is called ‘acute limb ischemia’ in medical parlance. This is a medical emergency. If not treated within six hours, the leg may also have to be amputated.


Forty percent of treatments are the same if smoking and tobacco use are stopped immediately. Vascular specialists examine which blood vessel is blocked by an angiogram. It is then treated with angioplasty, stenting or bypass surgery. This helps to heal foot ulcers. Medications to thin the blood are given in case of disorders like DVT. It is advisable to consult a cardiologist immediately after the onset of symptoms.

The importance of timely treatment

Though there is recent awareness in the society about smoking damaging the blood vessels, many young people are adamant that nothing like this can happen to them. They will continue with their habits willingly or unwillingly.  Then the vascular disorder becomes monstrous.

Therefore, if you are a smoker and you experience any of the above symptoms, it is advisable to consult a vascular surgeon immediately. Do try Nashaband, to get rid of addiction. To know more about addiction, do read our blogs on .

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Ayurvedic Solution for Addiction

In the event that you help somebody who is a heavy drinker, or you are battling with your very own liquor issue, you might be keen on the procedure of liquor detoxification. Liquor withdrawal symptoms can run from awkward to perilous. This is due to reward circuit of the brain, which opposes getting rid of addiction. Ideally, One needs an ayurvedic solution for getting rid of addiction.

Alcohol detoxification is basically disposing of liquor from the body. It is also about giving restorative help to the manifestations of withdrawal that go with this procedure. Medical professionals will generally recommend a restricted course of treatment with one of a few medications produced for this reason. The most widely recognized ayurvedic solution is Nasha Band, a risk free treatment for alcohol addiction. 

Withdrawal symptoms of addiction

To reduce withdrawal symptoms, a proper treatment is a must. When a heavy drinker abruptly ends the consumption of liquor, (s)he may encounter gentle to serious side effects. This include perspiring, longings for liquor and also trembling. Increasingly serious withdrawal side effects can incorporate wooziness, mental trips as well as seizures in a little level of patients. Nasha Band helps the body wipe out liquor, by reducing risk of once in a while, hazardous indications. 

With the utilization of Ayurvedic treatments like Nasha Band, withdrawal is not so much hazardous. Most clients still experience some inconvenience resting, apprehension and touchiness, however.  But still being an ayurvedic solution for addiction, Nasha Band makes the process much much easy and simple.


Detoxification just tends to the physical issues of liquor addiction. Numerous expert embrace a joined treatment that incorporates advising which may include a 12 stage program, to pursue the detoxification procedure. Most fight that the longings for liquor, both physical and mental, will stay long after it is out of the framework. Following the exact procedure under supervision and guidance is a must in such treatment. It is necessary to help the patient change their mentalities and oppose coming back to liquor use. 

Help and Support

There is no disgrace in requesting help with a liquor issue. Most family specialists and advisers can endorse the detoxification treatment or make the suitable referrals. Exploit the help accessible; recuperating from liquor abuse is a frequently troublesome street. 

Utilizing the assistance accessible can be the distinction among recuperation and backslide, so get some information about detoxification programs today.

To know more about addiction and Nashaband, please read our blogs in hindi on .

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Negative effects of Tobacco on Human Health

Negative effects of Tobacco are not visible immediately. Tobacco is like a slow poison. Excessive consumption of Tobacco in any form has tremendous adverse effects of human health. 

Diseases which result from Tobacco

Tobacco is one of the major culprits for Cancer, as it has almost seventy chemicals which can cause Cancer. Nearly 50% of people who consume Tobacco on regular basis, die due to health complications resulted from Tobacco consumption. Diseases which result from Tobacco use are generally related to mouth, lungs, heart and lever. Contribution to Cancer of Kidney, Bladder and Pancreas has also been noticed. Average life expectancy in tobacco consumer is also lesser, compared to others who do not consume tobacco.

The addictive nature of Tobacco is mainly due to Nicotine. Nicotine creates dependency on both the fronts, physical and psychological. Tobacco smoke contains certain molecules. This molecules cause mutations as they attach to human DNA. Ultimately over long period, this results in Cancer. These mutations may be carried forward in next generation as well.

Tobacco consumption

Tobacco exposure or consumption can be of various natures. Though smoking is the most preferred way, Chewing tobacco in various forms also contributes substantially.

Smoking has different categories and ways, Cigarettes or Cigars is being the prime. There are also local versions of the same in the form of Bidi, Hookahs etc . Non-smoking persons also consume tobacco due to smoking habits of another person. This is called as Passive smoking. It has similar adverse effects, though the intensity might be little lesser. Inhaling smoke starts its adverse effects on tooth, mouth, throat, lungs and most of the internal organs in stomach.

Many people preferred Direct chewing of Tobacco for long time. This is either in raw form or through betel leaves (Paan). Now-a-days flavored powders or a mixture of flavored items, generally terms as Gutka has taken place of Paan.

One should always remember that when negative effects of tobacco are visible, it is always too late.

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Who can become Drug Addict ?

Risk of drug addiction is basically not the same for everyone. Advances in Genealogy have reached at a stage, where we can predict a probability of whether a person can have specific disease or not. Since we treat, Drug Addiction as a disease. One may think that on similar lines, that we will able to predict whether a person can become drug addict or not. At least we can safely attach a probability to the answer. But as of today, it is not an easy prediction to be put forth.

Factors affecting probability of Drug Addiction

There are multiple factors, which govern a human mind and as a result its decision making process. Drug Addiction depends on complex machinery formed by the dual of mind and body. As we know, human body and mind matters, both are influenced by environmental factors in addition to their own structure and strength.

To predict whether a person can become Drug Addict, ultimately depends upon all these factors. Each factor adds its own weightage to the risk probability of addiction. With a combination of all such weightage, we will arrive at a probability figure, which indicate the risk of drug addiction.

Risk Factors

However there are certain risk factors which may influence the path towards drug addiction. The more risk factors a person has, the probability for consumption to  drug addiction, increases. Generally the factors which influence, risk of drug addiction are as follows :

Biology : The genes that one is born with, has maximum influence on the risk that (s)he will become drug-addict.

Environment : A person’s environment includes many different influences, from family and friends to economic status and general quality of life, moral and academic education (s)he has gone through, community and customs etc.

Development :As explained in the above point, genetic and environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person’s life, to affect risk of drug addiction.

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Nashaband Powder: A Natural Way to Quit Addiction

If you’re struggling with addiction or trying to help someone who is, you may have heard of Nasha Band powder. It’s a natural remedy that can help reduce cravings and ease the withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting substances like alcohol or drugs. In this blog, we’ll explain what Nasha Band powder is, how it works, and why it could be a helpful tool on the path to recovery.

What is Nasha Band Powder?

Nasha Band, an Ayurvedic solution for addiction, is designed to combat the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol, and drugs naturally and safely.Made with powerful herbal ingredients like Vidarikand, Amla, Brahmi, Neem, and Lavang, it helps individuals gradually overcome their addictions without side effects. This herbal powder can be mixed with any food or drink without altering its taste or color, making it easy to administer even without the person’s knowledge. Nasha Band works by reducing cravings, detoxifying the body, improving liver function, and soothing the nerves.

How Does Nasha Band Powder Work?

The main benefit of Nasha Band powder is its ability to help the body and mind adjust to life without addiction. Here’s how it works:

  1. Reduces Cravings: The herbs in Nasha Band powder can help decrease the intense desire to consume addictive substances. This makes it easier for people to resist temptation and stay focused on their recovery journey.
  2. Eases Withdrawal Symptoms: When someone stops using alcohol or drugs, they may experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, sweating, and mood swings. Nasha Band powder can help alleviate some of these symptoms, making the process smoother.
  3. Supports Detox: Nasha Band powder helps cleanse the body of toxins that have built up from substance use. This detox process helps the body heal and recover faster.

Why Choose Nasha Band Powder?

  1. Natural Ingredients: Nasha Band powder is made from herbs, which means it’s a safer, more natural alternative to some other methods of addiction recovery.
  2. Easy to Use: It’s simple to take, just mix the powder with water and drink it regularly. No complicated steps or harsh treatments involved.
  3. Helps with Long-Term Recovery: Nasha Band powder doesn’t just help with short-term cravings, but it can also aid in long-term recovery by supporting overall wellness and helping prevent relapse.

How to Use Nasha Band Powder

  • Take one spoonful of powder, twice a day after meals with water.
  • This herbal powder in quantity of one spoon can also be mixes or sprinkled on cooked foods like veg & non veg curries, fruit juices, tea, coffee, stuffing in paratha, curd, dal, omelette etc.
  • Results can be seen in 15-20 days that the desire for alcohol gets reduced.
  • For best result medicine is to be continued for 5-6 months.
  • Useful in Vertigo, Loss of Memory, Confusion, Weakness, Liver Disorders.

Is Nasha Band Powder Right for You?

Nasha Band powder can be a helpful tool for many people looking to overcome addiction. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or treatment, especially if you’re dealing with serious addiction issues. They can help guide you on the best course of action for your specific situation.


If you or someone you know is looking for a natural and simple way to fight addiction, Nasha Band powder might be worth considering. It can help reduce cravings, ease withdrawal symptoms, and support the body through detox. With the right mindset and support, Nasha Band powder could be a valuable part of your journey toward a healthier, addiction-free life.

Remember, overcoming addiction is a process, and seeking professional help alongside using products like Nasha Band powder is always a good idea for the best results.

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Quit Smoking Easily with Nashaband: A Simple Guide

Smoking is harmful to your health and can affect your overall well-being. It’s not easy to quit, but with determination and the right tools, it is definitely possible. One effective solution that can help you quit smoking is Nashaband. In this blog, we will talk about how you can quit smoking using Nashaband and how it can make the process easier.

What is Nashaband?

Nasha Band, an Ayurvedic solution for addiction, is designed to combat the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol, and drugs naturally and safely.Made with powerful herbal ingredients like Vidarikand, Amla, Brahmi, Neem, and Lavang, it helps individuals gradually overcome their addictions without side effects. This herbal powder can be mixed with any food or drink without altering its taste or color, making it easy to administer even without the person’s knowledge. Nasha Band works by reducing cravings, detoxifying the body, improving liver function, and soothing the nerves.

Why Choose Nashaband?

Here are some reasons why Nashaband can be an effective tool in your journey to quit smoking:

  1. Natural Solution: Nashaband works based on the principles of acupressure, a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various health issues. It’s a drug-free method, making it a safe option for anyone looking to quit smoking without the side effects of medication.
  2. Helps with Cravings: One of the hardest parts of quitting smoking is dealing with cravings. Nashaband helps reduce those cravings by applying gentle pressure to acupressure points on your wrist, which helps calm your nerves and reduce the urge to smoke.
  3. Easy to Use: Nashaband is simple and easy to use. All you need to do is wear the bracelet on your wrist, and it starts working to reduce your cravings. You don’t have to worry about complicated procedures or side effects.
  4. Non-Invasive: Unlike other smoking cessation methods, such as nicotine patches or gum, Nashaband is non-invasive. It doesn’t require you to put anything into your body, making it a convenient option for those who prefer a non-medical approach.

Tips for Successfully Quitting Smoking with Nashaband

While Nashaband can be a great tool, it’s important to combine it with a strong commitment to quitting smoking. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  1. Set a Quit Date: Choose a date to stop smoking and commit to it. This will help you mentally prepare and stay focused on your goal.
  2. Use Nashaband Regularly: Wear the Nashaband consistently to keep cravings at bay. The more you use it, the more effective it can be in helping you stay smoke-free.
  3. Stay Active: Physical activity can help distract you from cravings and improve your mood. Try taking walks, exercising, or practicing yoga to keep your mind and body engaged.
  4. Seek Support: Quitting smoking can be difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. Talk to friends, family, or join a support group for extra motivation and encouragement.
  5. Celebrate Milestones: Each day without smoking is an achievement. Celebrate small milestones, such as one day, one week, or one month without smoking. Reward yourself for your progress.
  • Take one spoonful of powder, twice a day after meals with water.
  • This herbal powder in quantity of one spoon can also be mixes or sprinkled on cooked foods like veg & non veg curries, fruit juices, tea, coffee, stuffing in paratha, curd, dal, omelette etc.
  • Results can be seen in 15-20 days that the desire for alcohol gets reduced.
  • For best result medicine is to be continued for 5-6 months.
  • Useful in Vertigo, Loss of Memory, Confusion, Weakness, Liver Disorders.


Quitting smoking is a journey, and using tools like Nashaband can make it easier and more manageable. By combining the use of Nashaband with determination, support, and healthy habits, you can break free from the addiction and improve your health for the long run. Take the first step today, and soon you’ll be on your way to a smoke-free life!

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Stop Addiction and Live Healthier with Nashaband

Addiction can take many forms, whether it’s to tobacco, alcohol, or other substances. Breaking free from these harmful habits can seem impossible, but with the right tools and support, it is possible. One such solution that has helped many people overcome addiction is Nashaband. This innovative product offers a natural and effective way to control cravings and stop addiction for good

What is Nasha Band?

Nasha Band, an Ayurvedic solution for addiction, is designed to combat the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol, and drugs naturally and safely.

Made with powerful herbal ingredients like Vidarikand, Amla, Brahmi, Neem, and Lavang, it helps individuals gradually overcome their addictions without side effects.

How Does Nashaband Help Stop Addiction?

Nashaband is a therapeutic solution based on acupressure principles. Here’s how it works:

  1. Reduces Cravings: Nashaband targets pressure points that are known to help control cravings. By wearing the band, you can significantly reduce your desire for substances like alcohol or tobacco, making it easier to resist temptation.
  2. Supports Mental Clarity: Addiction often clouds the mind and makes it difficult to think clearly. Nashaband helps improve focus and mental clarity, allowing individuals to stay committed to their goal of overcoming addiction.
  3. Promotes Emotional Well-being: Overcoming addiction can be emotionally challenging. Nashaband can help balance your emotions, reduce stress, and provide a sense of calm, which is essential when quitting addictive behaviors.
  4. Natural and Safe: Unlike medications or other treatments that may have side effects, Nashaband is a non-invasive, natural solution. It does not involve chemicals or harmful substances, making it a safer choice for those seeking to stop addiction.

The Benefits of Stopping Addiction

Quitting addictive substances comes with numerous benefits, both physically and mentally. Here are some of the key benefits of overcoming addiction with the help of Nashaband:

  • Better Physical Health: Addiction can take a severe toll on your body, leading to lung damage, heart disease, liver problems, and more. By quitting, you lower your risk of these health issues and begin to feel better physically.
  • Improved Mental Health: Addiction often causes anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Quitting allows you to regain control over your thoughts and emotions, improving your overall mental well-being.
  • Increased Energy Levels: Once you break free from addiction, your energy levels improve. You’ll feel more vibrant, focused, and ready to take on the day.
  • Better Relationships: Addiction can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. As you stop addiction, you can rebuild trust and strengthen your relationships with loved ones.

How to Use Nashaband to Stop Addiction

Using Nashaband is easy and simple. Just follow these steps to get started:

  • Take one spoonful of powder, twice a day after meals with water.
  • This herbal powder in quantity of one spoon can also be mixes or sprinkled on cooked foods like veg & non veg curries, fruit juices, tea, coffee, stuffing in paratha, curd, dal, omelette etc.
  • Results can be seen in 15-20 days that the desire for alcohol gets reduced.
  • For best result medicine is to be continued for 5-6 months.
  • Useful in Vertigo, Loss of Memory, Confusion, Weakness, Liver Disorders.


If you’re struggling with addiction and are looking for a natural, safe, and effective way to break free, Nashaband could be the solution you need. This simple, acupressure-based device helps reduce cravings, supports mental clarity, and promotes emotional well-being, making it easier to stop addiction and live a healthier life.

Remember, overcoming addiction is a journey, and with tools like Nashaband, you’re not alone. Start your path to a brighter, addiction-free future today.

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Nasha Band Powder: A Solution to Control Alcohol Cravings

If you’re struggling with controlling your cravings for alcohol or other addictive substances, you may have heard of Nasha Band Powder. It’s gaining popularity as an easy-to-use solution for people looking to quit or reduce their dependency on alcohol. But what exactly is this powder, and how does it work? Let’s dive into the details!

What is Nasha Band Powder?

Nasha Band Powder is a natural herbal product designed to help individuals break free from addiction, particularly alcohol dependency. It’s a non-invasive, easy-to-consume powder that can be mixed with water or any beverage. The primary goal of the powder is to make alcohol taste unpleasant, discouraging the individual from drinking. By using Nasha Band Powder, many people have been able to manage their alcohol cravings and ultimately regain control over their lives.

How Does Nasha Band Powder Work?

Nasha Band, an Ayurvedic solution for addiction, is designed to combat the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol, and drugs naturally and safely. Made with powerful herbal ingredients like Vidarikand, Amla, Brahmi, Neem, and Lavang, it helps individuals gradually overcome their addictions without side effects.

Key Benefits of Nasha Band Powder:

  1. Natural Ingredients: Nasha Band Powder is made from herbal extracts and natural ingredients, making it a safer alternative to chemical-based solutions. It’s designed to work with your body’s natural systems to curb addiction.
  2. Easy to Use: It’s simple to incorporate into your daily routine. You just need to take a small amount of the powder mixed with water or your regular beverage.
  3. No Side Effects: When used correctly, Nasha Band Powder has minimal or no side effects, making it a preferable option compared to other addiction treatments.
  4. Helps with Alcohol Cravings: The primary benefit of Nasha Band Powder is to help reduce the craving for alcohol. It discourages the desire to drink, helping you stay on track with your goal to quit or reduce alcohol consumption.
  5. Supports Long-Term Recovery: This powder is not a one-time solution but part of a longer-term strategy for addiction recovery. When used in combination with counseling or therapy, it can help you stay sober and prevent relapse.

How to Use Nasha Band Powder

Using Nasha Band Powder is quite easy. Here’s how to do it:

  • Take one spoonful of powder, twice a day after meals with water.
  • This herbal powder in quantity of one spoon can also be mixes or sprinkled on cooked foods like veg & non veg curries, fruit juices, tea, coffee, stuffing in paratha, curd, dal, omelette etc.
  • Results can be seen in 15-20 days that the desire for alcohol gets reduced.
  • For best result medicine is to be continued for 5-6 months.
  • Useful in Vertigo, Loss of Memory, Confusion, Weakness, Liver Disorders.

Is Nasha Band Powder Right for You?

If you’re someone looking to stop drinking or reduce your alcohol consumption, Nasha Band Powder can be a helpful tool in your journey. However, it’s important to remember that addiction recovery is a process that requires more than just physical treatment. Psychological support, therapy, and strong personal determination play a crucial role in long-term success.

Before using Nasha Band Powder or any other substance for addiction recovery, consider speaking with a healthcare professional to make sure it aligns with your health and recovery goals.


Nasha Band Powder is an innovative, simple solution for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. By making alcohol taste unpleasant, it helps reduce cravings and supports your efforts to regain control over your life. Remember to consult with a professional before beginning any treatment, and combine it with other forms of support for the best results.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards a healthier life, Nasha Band Powder might just be the helping hand you need.

Stay strong, and take control with Nasha Band Powder!

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Quit Gutka with Nashaband: A Simple Solution

Gutka is a chewable tobacco product that is commonly used in many parts of India and surrounding countries. It is made by mixing crushed areca nut (betel nut), tobacco, and sweet or spicy flavorings. Though it may seem harmless to some, gutka is a dangerous habit that leads to serious health issues, including cancer, heart disease, and dental problems.

Many people are unaware of how addictive gutka can be. The tobacco in gutka contains nicotine, which creates a strong dependency. This makes it difficult for users to stop, even if they want to. But it’s never too late to quit, and tools like Nashaband can make the process easier.

The Health Risks of Gutka

Using gutka can lead to several health problems:

  • Cancer: Gutka increases the risk of oral cancer, throat cancer, and mouth ulcers.
  • Heart Disease: The nicotine in gutka can increase blood pressure and heart rate, leading to heart disease.
  • Dental Issues: It causes teeth stains, gum problems, and can even lead to tooth loss.
  • Addiction: Gutka is highly addictive because of the nicotine content. It’s easy to form a habit, but very hard to quit.

Why is it Hard to Quit Gutka?

The addictive properties of nicotine make it difficult for people to stop using gutka. Over time, the body becomes dependent on nicotine, and cravings can be intense. But the good news is that quitting is possible with the right support.

How Nashaband Can Help You Quit Gutka

Nashaband is an effective solution for those looking to quit gutka. It is a natural, non-invasive method that helps curb cravings and reduce dependency. Nashaband works by using the principles of acupressure, where small pressure points are activated to help your body fight the urge to use addictive substances like gutka.

Here’s how Nashaband can help:

  • Reduces Cravings: Nashaband helps in reducing the physical urge to consume gutka.
  • Safe and Natural: No chemicals are involved, making it a safe way to quit.
  • Stress-Free: It’s a non-invasive solution, and users can continue with their daily activities without any disruption.
  • Easy to Use: Nashaband is easy to wear and doesn’t require special attention.

How Nashaband Works

Nashaband is worn on the wrist like a bracelet. The device is designed to press on specific acupressure points that help to calm the nervous system and reduce cravings. It’s a simple yet effective solution for people who are struggling with the addiction to gutka.

Final Thoughts

Quitting gutka may seem challenging, but with the right tools and support, it is completely possible. Nashaband offers a natural way to help you stop using gutka and live a healthier life. If you or someone you know is struggling with gutka addiction, Nashaband could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Start your journey toward a tobacco-free life today and make the healthy choice with Nashaband!

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Stop Smoking with Nashaband: A Simple Way to Quit for Good

Are you tired of trying to quit smoking without success? It can feel like an endless battle, but there’s hope! One popular method that’s gaining attention is using Nashaband, a natural remedy to help people stop smoking for good. In this blog, we’ll explain how Nashaband works and why it could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

What is Nashaband?

Nasha Band, alternatively called as Nashaband is an ayurvedic product comprising of natural extracts of amla and Brahmi. It provides freedom from addiction, not to mention without any side effects. Nasha-Band will gradually help the patient to wean off the addiction safely, in other words naturally.

How Does Nashaband Help You Quit Smoking?

Nasha Band, an Ayurvedic solution for addiction, is designed to combat the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol, and drugs naturally and safely. Made with powerful herbal ingredients like Vidarikand, Amla, Brahmi, Neem, and Lavang, it helps individuals gradually overcome their addictions without side effects.

Benefits of Using Nashaband

  1. Easy to Use: Simply wear the band on your wrist, and you’re good to go! It doesn’t require any complex routines or medications.
  2. Natural and Safe: Since Nashaband uses acupressure, there’s no need for drugs or harmful chemicals. It’s a safe way to stop smoking without side effects.
  3. Supports Your Willpower: The band helps strengthen your mental focus by reducing cravings and the emotional triggers that lead to smoking.
  4. Convenient and Discreet: You can wear the Nashaband throughout the day, and it fits easily into your lifestyle without drawing attention.

Why Choose Nashaband?

There are many methods out there to help quit smoking, but Nashaband stands out due to its simplicity and effectiveness. It’s ideal for anyone looking for a natural, stress-free way to quit smoking. Whether you’re just starting your quit journey or need help managing the cravings that come with withdrawal, the Nashaband can be a powerful tool.

  • Take one spoonful of powder, twice a day after meals with water.
  • This herbal powder in quantity of one spoon can also be mixes or sprinkled on cooked foods like veg & non veg curries, fruit juices, tea, coffee, stuffing in paratha, curd, dal, omelette etc.
  • Results can be seen in 15-20 days that the desire for alcohol gets reduced.
  • For best result medicine is to be continued for 5-6 months.
  • Useful in Vertigo, Loss of Memory, Confusion, Weakness, Liver Disorders.

Final Thoughts

Quitting smoking doesn’t have to be a tough and painful process. With the help of Nashaband, you can reduce cravings, manage stress, and take control of your health in a natural, effective way. If you’re ready to quit smoking for good, give Nashaband a try and start your journey to a smoke-free life today!

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Nashaband: The Key to Quitting Smoking

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits, leading to serious health problems like heart disease, lung cancer, and more. Quitting smoking can be tough, but with the right tools and support, it’s entirely possible. One such solution is Nashaband, a medicine designed to help individuals quit smoking effectively.

What Is Nashaband?

Nashaband is a unique and effective method to help people stop smoking. It’s a natural, herbal product that’s gaining popularity for its ability to reduce cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms. It works by addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, making it easier for smokers to quit.

How Nashaband Works

Nashaband works by using a combination of herbs and active ingredients to help reduce the desire to smoke. It’s available in various forms, including tablets and patches, and is designed to be taken over a period of time.

  • Reduces cravings: Nashaband helps decrease the intense cravings that make it difficult to quit smoking.
  • Eases withdrawal symptoms: One of the hardest parts of quitting smoking is dealing with withdrawal. Nashaband helps reduce symptoms like irritability and anxiety.
  • Supports mental focus: It also works on the psychological aspect of smoking addiction, helping individuals stay motivated and focused on their goal of quitting.

Benefits of Nashaband for Quitting Smoking

  1. Effective for long-term success: Nashaband isn’t just about quitting for a day or a week; it helps people maintain their decision to quit smoking for the long term.
  2. Natural ingredients: With natural ingredients, Nashaband offers a safer alternative to other smoking cessation methods like nicotine patches or medications with side effects.
  3. No cravings: One of the biggest hurdles when quitting smoking is the constant craving for a cigarette. Nashaband helps to manage and reduce these cravings, making it easier to stay smoke-free.
  4. Affordable and accessible: Nashaband is a cost-effective solution for those who want to stop smoking, without the high price tag of some other treatments.

How to Use Nashaband

  • Take one spoonful of powder, twice a day after meals with water.
  • This herbal powder in quantity of one spoon can also be mixes or sprinkled on cooked foods like veg & non veg curries, fruit juices, tea, coffee, stuffing in paratha, curd, dal, omelette etc.
  • Results can be seen in 15-20 days that the desire for alcohol gets reduced.
  • For best result medicine is to be continued for 5-6 months.
  • Useful in Vertigo, Loss of Memory, Confusion, Weakness, Liver Disorders.

Tips for Success When Using Nashaband

  • Stay committed: Quitting smoking requires dedication. Stay focused on your goal, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks.
  • Support: Seek support from family, friends, or support groups to stay motivated throughout the process.
  • Stay active: Engage in physical activity or hobbies to keep your mind off smoking and manage stress.


If you’re ready to quit smoking, Nashaband could be the solution you’ve been searching for. With its natural ingredients and effective results, it helps make the journey to a smoke-free life more manageable. Whether you’re just starting or have tried before, Nashaband offers a supportive way to finally stop smoking and improve your health.

Make the decision today to break free from smoking with Nashaband, and start living a healthier, happier life!

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Effects of Drinking Alcohol

The habit of drinking alcohol can have severe consequences on your health. If you don’t quit this habit in time, it can lead to various health issues. Learn about the health effects of drinking alcohol.

1. Liver Damage:

Drinking alcohol excessively causes liver inflammation, fatty liver disease, and in extreme cases, liver cirrhosis. The liver is responsible for filtering toxins, and heavy drinking can overwhelm its ability to function properly, leading to permanent damage over time.

2. Heart Disease:

Drinking alcohol regularly can increase the risk of heart disease, including high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Alcohol can damage the heart muscle, leading to irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) and increasing the risk of a heart attack.

3. Increased Risk of Cancer:

Alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing several types of cancer, including mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, breast, and colorectal cancers. Alcohol can damage DNA and increase the formation of cancerous cells.

4. Weakened Immune System:

Excessive drinking weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight infections. This can lead to frequent illnesses, slower recovery times, and greater vulnerability to infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis.

5. Mental Health Issues:

Drinking alcohol can negatively affect your mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and mood swings. It may also impair judgment, lead to risky behavior, and cause long-term cognitive issues, including memory loss.

6. Digestive Problems:

Alcohol can irritate the digestive tract, leading to issues like gastritis, acid reflux, and ulcers. It also impairs nutrient absorption, leading to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals.

Symptoms of Alcohol’s Effects:

Some common symptoms of alcohol’s adverse effects include persistent stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and uncoordinated movements. Over time, drinking alcohol can lead to severe liver and kidney problems, as well as memory and cognitive issues.

Conclusion: Drinking alcohol excessively is detrimental to your overall health, and quitting this habit can significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. If you notice any symptoms or health issues due to alcohol consumption, it’s crucial to seek medical help immediately. Taking steps toward sobriety can help protect your body, mind, and future well-being.

Remember, it’s never too late to stop drinking and lead a healthier life.